Understanding Melasma

What is Melasma?

Melasma is a common skin condition that causes brown or blue-gray patches, usually on the face. It’s often associated with sun exposure, hormonal changes, and certain medications. Melasma can be stubborn and resistant to treatment, making it a source of frustration for many who experience it. While it’s more prevalent in women, particularly those with darker skin types, men can also develop this condition.

Causes and Triggers of Melasma

Melasma is thought to be triggered by several factors:

  1. Sun Exposure: UV rays stimulate melanocytes (the skin cells responsible for pigmentation), leading to the overproduction of melanin, which manifests as dark patches.

  2. Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy, birth control pills, and hormone replacement therapy can trigger melasma. The condition is so common during pregnancy that it's often called "pregnancy mask" or chloasma.

  3. Genetics: A family history of melasma increases your likelihood of developing the condition.

  4. Certain Medications and Skin Care Products: Some medications and topical treatments can make your skin more prone to melasma when exposed to sunlight.

Challenges in Treating Melasma

Melasma is notoriously difficult to treat. The condition can persist for years, and conventional treatments like topical creams and chemical peels may offer only temporary relief. Additionally, because melasma is often aggravated by sun exposure, even minimal sun can lead to a recurrence of the condition. Not to mention the fact that heat based treatments often leave melasma worse off then before.

Introducing PicoSure Pro: A Breakthrough in Melasma Treatment

PicoSure Pro represents a significant advancement in the treatment of melasma, offering a solution that goes beyond traditional methods. This innovative laser technology uses ultra-short pulses to target and break down pigmentation in the skin without damaging surrounding tissues.

How Does PicoSure Pro Work?

PicoSure Pro works by delivering energy in picoseconds (trillionths of a second) to the pigmented areas of the skin. This rapid energy delivery shatters the pigment into tiny particles, which the body then naturally eliminates over time. Unlike older laser technologies, PicoSure Pro is less likely to cause damage or heat to the skin, which is crucial when treating delicate facial areas affected by melasma.

Benefits of PicoSure Pro for Melasma

  1. Minimally Invasive: PicoSure Pro treatments are non-surgical and require little to no downtime, allowing patients to return to their daily activities quickly.

  2. Precision: The technology targets only the pigmented areas, leaving the surrounding skin untouched. This precision reduces the risk of scarring and other side effects.

  3. Faster Results: Many patients notice an improvement in their skin tone and reduction in melasma after just a few treatments.

  4. Safe for All Skin Types: PicoSure Pro is suitable for all skin types, including darker skin tones that are more prone to pigmentation issues.

  5. Long-Lasting Effects: With proper care and sun protection, the results from PicoSure Pro treatments can be long-lasting, providing significant relief from melasma.

Post-Treatment Care and Maintenance

To maintain the results from PicoSure Pro treatments, it’s essential to follow a proper skincare regimen. This includes daily use of sunscreen with a high SPF, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding peak sun exposure. Additionally, using gentle skincare products and avoiding irritants can help prevent a recurrence of melasma.


Melasma can be a persistent and challenging condition, but with the advent of PicoSure Pro, there’s new hope for those seeking an effective treatment. This cutting-edge technology offers a safer, faster, and more targeted approach to reducing melasma, helping patients achieve clearer, more even-toned skin. If you’re struggling with melasma, consider consulting with us to see if PicoSure Pro is the right option for you.


before and after 1 treatment


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