Sculptra Myths

It has been almost 20 years since Sculptra was first approved for aesthetic use in Europe, and over this time, more than 4 million vials have been used. While patient satisfaction levels with the product are extremely high, a number of myths have arisen and persisted relating to how it works. Today we will be exploring some of these myths and correcting the misconceptions surrounding the product. If you would like to know more about Sculptra click here.

Injector in Red Deer at Hebe Beauty Bar assesses a client's face before sculptra treatment

Myth 1: Everyone gets nodules with Sculptra

The Reality: The incidence of nodules is low when using the correct reconstitution method and injection technique.

The formation of nodules is a myth surrounding the use of Sculptra. After 20 years of experience, studies show that by increasing the reconstitution volume to 5mL, the risk of nodule formation is less than 1% while still achieving excellent results. Furthermore, those nodules that are formed are typically a non-inflammatory reaction and are caused by the product accumulation in the majority of cases, they are non-visible and asymptomatic and resolve spontaneously.

Sculptra is suitable for increasing the volume of depressed areas, particularly to correct skin depressions, such as in skin creases wrinkles, folds and scars, and skin aging.

Myth 2: It takes a long time to see any results

The Reality: Improvements can be seen as early as 3 weeks

In contrast to hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers showing immediate results, Sculptra stimulates an increase in the patients own natural collagen production, providing subtle volume and lift. This is a gradual but long-lasting process. Changes in the metabolic pathways are seen within a few weeks of the first injection, with significantly elevated expression of collagen mRNA. Changes at a tissue level are observed soon after this. A study shows that patients demonstrated a 66% increase in the collagen type 1 just 3 months after the first treatment.

So in summary, although the results are not immediate, Sculptra starts working 2 weeks after the injection is administered to stimulate collagen production. Plus the results will build gradually over time and can last for more than 2 years.

Myth 3: The effects of Sculptra are the results of scar formation.

The Reality: Sculptra stimulates the development of new collagen, which is the primary source of the additional volume.

A common misconception is that the volume created by Sculptra is the result of scar tissue forming under the skin. However, skin biopsies have demonstrated that collagen neo-synthesis occurs in the absence of an acute, significant inflammatory response, and this collagen stimulation restores volume.

Myth 4: Sculptra is no different from hyaluronic acid fillers.

The Reality: Sculptra works by stimulating the skin’s own natural collagen production, in contrast to HA fillers which physically fill the skin.

While Sculptra and HA fillers are both highly effective at adding volume to create a more youthful appearance, they achieve these results through very different mechanisms. HA gels physically occupy the space under the tissue and attract water molecules to restore volume. This helps to smooth out lines, creases and wrinkles, delivering immediate results. Sculptra works by stimulating the fibroblast to create new collagen fibres, which occur more gradually.

Myth 5: It’s not possible to use HA and Sculptra at the same time.

The Reality: HA fillers and Sculptra can be used simultaneously. The optimal treatment plan should be determined by the physician.

In order to address individual patient needs, your injector may use both HA filler and Sculptra. However, the co-administration of both products - and the treatment areas - should be determined by the injector. HA fillers and Sculptra can be used simultaneously in different areas (e.g., Sculptra in the cheeks and temples and HA filler in the lips) with no concern for product interaction.

If you would like to know if Sculptra is right for you book a consultation here.


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