Your Introduction to Sculptra: The Collagen Stimulator

We get a lot of questions about what Sculptra is, what it does, what it is used for, and how it compares to traditional filler. This is your intro to Sculptra featuring some of our frequently asked questions.

Sculptra Results

Sulptra before and after treatment photo

Why is collagen important?

Collagen is a key structural component under the skin that provides volume and gives shape to the face, keeping skin looking youthful. Over time, our bodies make less collagen, leading to the visible signs of aging. This, along with environmental factors like sun exposure can lead to the appearance of wrinkles, lines and folds.

Sculptra is a Collagen Stimulator

Sculptra offers a solution to collagen loss. By stimulating your body’s ability to produce collagen you can reverse the signs of aging.

What is Sculptra?

Sculptra is made with a biocompatible, biodegradable, synthetic material called poly-L-lactic acid, it is naturally absorbed by the body and helps to rebuild lost collagen through a series of treatments.

The Difference Between Sculptra and Filler

What makes Sculptra different from filler is the fact it stimulates your body to produce more collagen rather than simply adding temporary volume.

In other words, standard HA dermal filler has instant results but only lasts 6-12 months. Meanwhile, Sculptra requires more time for results, but the results last up to 2 years. Some clients may even do a combination of treatments using both HA filler and Sculptra.

Is Sculptra right for me?

That depends on many factors including age, volume loss, and if you want a quick fix or long-term treatment plan. If you have significant volume loss and want to rebuild your body’s ability to produce collagen, Sculptra could be for you.

What areas does Sculptra treat?

Sculptra can be used in the following areas:

  • Temple Hollows

  • Cheek Hollows

  • Cheek Depressions

  • Nasolabial Folds

  • Marionette Lines

  • Chin Folds

  • Hip Dips

  • Buttocks

How Sculptra works

Sculptra is injected into the deep dermis. The injected volume helps fill out the wrinkles and increase volume. Over time, the Sculptra particles are degraded, but the collagen deposits remain and provide gradual, long-lasting improvements in wrinkles and volume defects.

Your Sculptra treatment at Hebe start to finish

All Sculptra appointments require a consultation to ensure that Sculptra is right for you. After your nurse injector approves you for Sculptra injections a plan is made to discuss how many vials and how many appointments you’ll need.

During your treatment, you’ll be numbed with a topical anesthetic for 30 minutes. Then the injection process will begin, this takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Treatment time varies depending on where you are treated and how many vials you require.

After your treatment, you’ll be given an ice pack to help with any swelling or bruising. You’ll be instructed on aftercare to ensure the best outcome.

Massage After Sculptra Treatment

It’s very important to give yourself a massage in the treatment area for 5 minutes, 5 times daily for 5 days after each treatment. We will show you how to do this and you can ask us any questions about massaging your treatment area if you have any!

Your next appointment will be booked for 4-6 weeks from that day.

What else can you do to improve treatment results?

There are several things we encourage you to do before and after treatment to ensure the best results possible.


  • Take arnica to reduce the risk of bruising

  • Avoid Tylenol, Aspirin, and Motrin as these increase bleeding and bruising

  • Avoid alcohol 48 hours prior

  • Avoid supplements like omegas, fish oil, vitamin E, and St. Johns’ Wort

  • Do not have any dental work (including cleaning) done within a week of the scheduled treatment (before and after)

  • Talk to your doctor if you have previously suffered from herpes viral infections (e.g. cold sores), as an injection treatment could trigger cold sores. Your doctor can prescribe antiviral medicines if needed


  • Apply ice (in a clean washcloth or an ice pack) to the treated area intermittently after treatment to minimize swelling and/or bruising.

  • Avoid direct contact of the ice with the skin.

  • Thoroughly massage the treated area in a circular fashion for 5 minutes, 5 times daily for 5 days after each treatment session

    This will help provide an even distribution of Sculptra to promote

    a natural-looking correction.

  • Use a moisturizing cream to help reduce the friction on the skin surface during the massage.

  • Minimize exposure of the treated area to excessive sunlight and avoid UV lamp exposure until any initial swelling and redness have disappeared

Conclusion: Sculptra Stimulates Collagen and Provides Lasting Results

Sculptra offers an alternative to HA fillers, thread lifting and cosmetic surgery. By stimulating collagen for your body to produce more collagen, you can reverse signs of aging. It requires commitment and time but the results are long-lasting.

Book Sculptra Injections in Red Deer

If Sculptra sounds like something you are interested in, be sure to book your complementary consultation today! Sculptra may not be for everyone and we’d be happy to discuss the best course of action for what you are looking to achieve during your consultation. Always be sure to discuss any potential risks with your healthcare provider.


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