
Are you looking for a non-invasive, no-downtime skincare procedure to brighten your skin and leave you looking refreshed and flawless? A dermaplaning facial may be just what you need!

Our medical aesthetic specialists here at Hebe Beauty Bar in Red Deer are certified in many different skincare treatments that can have you feeling more like yourself and loving who you see when you look in the mirror. This treatment is a great addition to any long-term anti-aging strategy, so read on to learn how our dermaplaning facial could be beneficial to your routine. And if you’re ready to get started, book a complimentary consultation now!

Dermaplaning in Red Deer AB

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a popular skincare treatment that involves the gentle exfoliation and removal of the top layer of dead skin cells and fine facial hair, commonly known as "peach fuzz." It is performed using a specialized surgical scalpel or a small, sterile blade held at a 45-degree angle against the skin.

During a dermaplaning session, your skincare professional carefully glides the blade across the skin, delicately scraping off the accumulated debris, dead skin cells, and vellus hair. This process reveals a smoother, brighter complexion and creates a flawless canvas for makeup application.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning offers numerous benefits. It effectively exfoliates the skin, promoting cellular turnover and improving skin texture and tone. By removing the fine facial hair, it also provides a smoother surface for makeup to glide on effortlessly. The treatment can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damaged skin, and acne scars, as well as enhance the penetration and efficacy of skincare products.

It is a non-invasive and painless procedure. Many people find it relaxing and enjoyable. The results are immediate, and there is minimal downtime or side effects. It is suitable for most skin types, although those with active acne or very sensitive skin should discuss their current skin condition with their specialist during their consultation to make sure dermaplaning is the right fit. 

dermaplaning in Red Deer
What is dermaplaning

Who Can Benefit

Dermaplaning can benefit a wide range of individuals looking to improve the condition and appearance of their skin. It is suitable for most skin types, including sensitive skin, and can provide numerous benefits.

Those with dull or uneven skin texture can benefit from dermaplaning as it effectively exfoliates the skin, revealing a smoother and more refined complexion. It helps to remove dead skin cells, allowing skincare products to penetrate better and work more effectively.

Dermaplaning is also beneficial for individuals with fine facial hair, or "peach fuzz." By removing this vellus hair, the treatment creates a smoother surface for makeup application, resulting in a more flawless and seamless look.

This skin treatment can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars, making it a great option for individuals seeking anti-aging benefits. It can also be an excellent choice for those with hyperpigmentation issues, as it aids in improving skin tone and texture.

We’ve found anyone looking to achieve a brighter, smoother, and more vibrant complexion can benefit from dermaplaning. If you’re uncertain if dermaplaning fits in with your current skin condition or your skincare goals, book a consultation with us at Hebe and we’ll go over any concerns you may have.

What’s Involved In A Typical Dermaplaning Treatment

A typical dermaplaning treatment involves several steps to achieve the desired results. The process begins with a complimentary consultation to assess your skin and determine if dermaplaning is suitable for you.

During the treatment, you will be positioned comfortably, and your skin will be thoroughly cleansed to remove any dirt or impurities. Your skincare professional will then use a sterile surgical scalpel or blade held at a specific angle to gently scrape the surface of your skin. They will perform precise and controlled movements, removing the layer of dead skin cells, dull skin, and fine facial hair.

The sensation during dermaplaning is generally painless and well-tolerated. Some individuals may experience a mild scraping sensation or a light tickling feeling. The treatment typically takes around 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the area being treated.

After the dermaplaning session, a soothing Jelly Mask or other skin care products are applied to calm and hydrate the skin. It is essential to follow any post-treatment instructions we provide you with, such as avoiding sun exposure and using gentle skincare products, to maintain your results. 

Dermaplaning requires minimal downtime, and you can resume your regular activities immediately. The results are typically immediate, with skin appearing smoother, brighter, and more vibrant. Regular maintenance treatments may be recommended to maintain the benefits of dermaplaning.

What To Expect 

  • How Many Sessions Do You Need

    The number of dermaplaning sessions needed varies depending on individual skin concerns and goals. For most individuals, a series of 3 to 6 treatments spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart is recommended to achieve optimal results. However, the exact number of sessions can be determined during your consultation with our skincare professionals based on your specific needs.

  • How Often Should You Get Dermaplaning?

    Dermaplaning can be done every 4 to 6 weeks for most individuals. This time frame allows for the skin to fully recover and regenerate between treatments. However, the frequency of dermaplaning sessions may vary based on individual skin conditions and goals. We can create a long-term plan for you to ensure you always have that youthful glow!

  • Will The Hair Grow Back Thicker?

    No, dermaplaning does not cause hair to grow back thicker. The vellus hair, or "peach fuzz," removed during dermaplaning differs from terminal hair. Dermaplaning only affects the surface of the hair and does not alter its structure or growth pattern. The regrowth of vellus hair after dermaplaning is typically the same as it was before the treatment.

Ready To Get Started with Dermaplaning in Red Deer?

If dermaplaning sounds like a good fit for your beauty routine, we at Hebe Beauty Bar would love to hear about your goals and help you create a long-term strategy to help you achieve the look you want and maintain your glowing, youthful appearance. 

To get started, contact us to book a complimentary consultation. We’ll get to know you and your aesthetic goals, and make a plan to get you your desired results. Right in central Red Deer, we at Hebe Beauty Bar are waiting for you. 

So book your consultation today!

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